A book, many ideas for delicious recipes
Many seasonal recipes, with specific ingredients and suggestions to create new combinations. It also includes some alternative ideas for tasty proposals that will surprise you. Because your juicer is not only useful for making juices, but above all for living better.
Is drinking juices like consuming fresh fruits and vegetables?
The juice extractor is a special tool that separates the liquid part of the fruit and vegetables (water, vitamins and minerals) from the fibers. In this way, it helps digestion which, instead of lasting hours, is completed in a few minutes.
Thanks to the cold juice extractor, you can also easily consume large quantities of fruits and vegetables, maintaining their nutritional properties.
It is not necessary to cook, so the vitamins, enzymes and all the molecules that help our well-being remain unchanged and are immediately available to our body, which manages to assimilate them quickly and effortlessly.
So, are industrial supplements still necessary if you use a juice extractor well? Probably not.
More health thanks to Hurom extractors
Juices extracted with a cold-pressed juicer are an excellent alternative to chemically prepared substances such as industrial supplements.
This is especially true in the world of sports, but also in all those areas in which the body needs more support to regenerate or face healing periods.
Hurom has been manufacturing juice extractors since 1974. Today, Hurom cold juice extractors are distributed all over the world and in Italy more than 100,000 families have an extractor at home. Using it in the best way is our responsibility.